Al Arish University

About Al Arish University

Is an Egyptian public university based in the city of El-Arish, North Sinai Governorate, Egypt, established by the presidential decree on April 25, 2016. It was initially established as a branch of Suez University and the establishment of the first faculty on the land of Sinai began in 1982 after the liberation of the city of Arish from the occupation and the Faculty of Education was under the umbrella of the Suez Canal University in Ismaila. It was followed by the establishment of the first faculty distinguished in the style of teaching, which is the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in Al-Arish in 1988 and the establishment of a number of other faculties such as the Faculty of Physical Education, the Faculty of Science and the Institute of Environmental Studies to be the issuance of the Presidential Decree No. 147 in 2016 establishing Al-Arish University Separated from the mother university “Suez Canal University”

Majors & Colleges

جامعة العريش -

Al-Arish University includes many colleges and institutes:

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Agricultural Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Physical Education

Faculty of Commerce

Faculty of Aquaculture and Fisheries

College of Home Economics

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Cairo University - Study in Egypt, International Foundation for Science & Management
جامعة الزقازيق
    • Medicine and Dentistry $6,000 per year.
    • The faculties of Engineering, Computing, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy are $5,500 per year.
    • Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Science and Nursing $5,000
    • Other colleges and institutes $4,500 per year

Required documents to secure admission to the bachelor stage:

  1. Detection of high school signs
  2. A copy of the original student’s passport
  3.  Colored personal photo
  4. Photocopy of father and mother’s passport

Required documents to complete the student registration at the university for the bachelor’s level:

  1.  Original high school grades attested by the Foreign Ministry and the Egyptian Embassy
  2. Original Birth Certificate
  3. Valid Passport – Color photocopy of passport
  4.  8 selfies with white background
  5.  A judicial agency for the institution’s representative in Cairo to complete the student registration procedures at the university

Bachelor Stage:

  1.  The student pays a first-time enrollment installation fee of $1,500 paid only once.
  2. Medical and dental schools $6,000 per year.
  3. The faculties of Engineering, Computing, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy $5,000 per year.
  4.  Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Science and Nursing $4,000 per year.
  5. The rest of the colleges and other institutes are $3000 per year.

Excellence in providing distinguished and advanced educational and research services and effective community service at the local, regional and international levels.


Al-Arish University seeks to become a distinguished and advanced educational and research institution through the provision of distinguished scientific programs and the development of research capabilities to keep pace with the labor market’s requirements. It will be able to compete and provide effective partnerships and community locally (Sinawi Society), regionally, and internationally.

Top 9 benefits to study in Egypt

High quality of education

Well education at all educational levels: Pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher education are well educated and Egyptian universities offer many programs of study for students

Multicultural environment

Students who study in Egypt learn a distinct culture. Egypt bridges northeast Africa and the Middle East region and offers a unique blend of African and Arab cultures and traditions

Reasonable school and living costs

The cost of living and studying is low, it’s an inexpensive place to live, and transportation, and entertainment are also quite inexpensive

Many Scholarships

There are many scholarships that are always available for international and Egyptian students. There are also federal grants and privately funded programs through the private sector in which you can access high-quality education

Learn a new language

If you are a non-Arabic speaking international student, this is the greatest opportunity to learn Arabic. Even if you are an Arab student from outside Egypt, you will surely learn it by socializing with Egyptian students

Live a wonderful experience

Studying in Egypt is an ideal choice for international students who are looking for a cheap education and cheap living with great quality compared to its costs


Be safe. Security and safety in Egypt is one of the most remarkable things from personal experience


You will receive the certificate recognized by all Arab and Egyptian Education Councils


Get a variety of job opportunities suitable for you as a university student or in the private sector

Strategic Plan


What are the ambitions that Al-Arish University aspires to achieve and how should we improve the mission of the university and our vision (goals that we seek to achieve) in light of these aspirations and ambitions?

Strategic Goals and Objectives

What are the distinctive pillars of our strategic plan? What key elements will we rely on to achieve our strategic aspirations and objectives?

Key Elements

What are the key elements that contribute to achieving our strategic goals?

Specific Programs

What elements (e.g., organization, funding, infrastructure) are needed to facilitate the completion of our strategic initiatives?

Implementation plan

What action plan needs to be implemented to achieve the initiatives? What actions need to be taken and how are they prioritized? What resources are needed? Who is responsible for the delivery?

Cost of Living in Egypt:

Costs of living are relatively low in Egypt, especially when compared to Western study destinations, and according to Numbeo, the cost of living is 61% lower than in the UK. A one-bedroom apartment in the city center costs just around $148 USD.

On average, a student needs $300-400 per month including housing and living costs.

Services provided by IFSM:
Preparatory Program for Study in Egypt (Arabic – English) Certified Lecturers in Egyptian Universities:

Qualifying program to review the first semesters of each university in various subjects ( Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Arabic and English to ensure student excellence in the first stage of his studies in Egypt) Exclusively for students of the International Foundation for Science and Management.

Identify the customs and traditions of the Egyptian people and the most important Egyptian laws for foreign affairs to avoid any problems or obstacles that may face the student in his studies in Egypt.

Learn about Egyptian culture, popular foods, the Egyptian currency, internal transfers, climate, and everything that interests the expatriate student; to integrate him into Egyptian life, and reduce the feeling of alienation.


Department of Teaching Arabic Language for Non-Speakers:

A specialized section for foreigners who do not speak Arabic at the hands of elite Egyptian university professors, which helps them to study and engage in Egyptian society easily. 

Services provided by the International Foundation for Science and Management for the Students

  • Ensure the initial acceptance of the Egyptian Expatriates / Higher Education Department in a quick and easy manner
  • Ensure discount rate for students wishing to study in Egyptian universities in accordance with the decisions of the Ministry of Higher Education
  • Payment of application fees for expatriate management
  • Pay the coordination service fee for final acceptance
  • Payment of expatriate club fees for all foreign students
  • Opening a file for the student to complete his registration at the university
  • Student registration at the university up to the payment of fees
  • Finalization of Student Visa and Residence
  • Students’ reception at the airport
  • Student accommodation insurance according to the Student’s desire
  • Parent Services
  • Care services Student support throughout the study period
  • Legal Consultancy Center membership for one year free of charge ( Marriage Counseling for Foreigners – Work – Residence – Nationality )
  • Introduction Tour
  • Health insurance for foreigners
  • Phone SIM card
  • Open a bank account
  • Competitions for entertainment and cultural trips inside and outside Egypt exclusively for the students of the Foundation
  • Subscription of transportation means (by province)
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Cairo University - Study in Egypt, International Foundation for Science & Management

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