Are Russian Universities Recognized in Egypt and Arab Countries?

Which universities are accredited and recognized inside and outside Egypt? Is it possible to register in the Egyptian Physicians Syndicate with the Russian certificate?

The majority of Russian universities are internationally recognized in general and in Egypt in particular, after graduation the student gets an equivalent certificate from the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities, stating that this Russian certificate (with all its details) is equivalent to the certificate granted by the Egyptian universities subject to the law regulating universities No. (49) for the year (1972) .

The student also obtains an equivalent certificate from the Russian universities in the EU countries based on the agreement signed between the Russian government and the EU countries.

Of course, you can register in the Physicians Syndicate after obtaining the equation, which officially equals any of the degrees granted by Egyptian universities.

According to the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities, which stipulates the application of the following rules and controls starting from the academic year 2021/2020

For the faculties of the medical sector (medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, physiotherapy, nursing):

  1.  Egyptian General Secondary School Certificate: The student must have a high school certificate in the scientific division.
  2. Secondary Certificates Arabic equivalence: The student must have a high school certificate (Scientific Section).
  3.  Secondary Certificates Foreign Equivalence: The need to meet the basic set of qualifying subjects, namely:( English – Mathematics – Biology – Chemistry – Physics).

Conditions and Requirements for Registration at the Egyptian Doctors Syndicate with Russian Certificates

Egyptian students with Russian degrees in specialties (medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, physiotherapy, nursing) can register with the Syndicate of Physicians.

Article 3 of the Law (54/1996), which sets out the conditions for registration

  • First condition: Egyptian nationality or the nationality of an Arab or foreign country that treats Egyptians the same.
  • Second condition: Original graduation certificate or its equivalent (Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities).
  • Third condition: Is to obtain a license to practice the profession from the Ministry of Health.

The executive regulations have specified the required documents at the time of submission, numbering 5 documents: proof of nationality – proof of obtaining a bachelor’s degree – proof of obtaining a practicing permit – criminal status sheet – receipt of payment.
