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Ifsm Timeline

About IFSM

The International Foundation for Science and Management is a shareholding Foundation registered in Egypt under the number 7269

We work in Global educational fields, whether in Egypt or abroad, through agencies and branches
 : We mention, by the way of short, but are not limited work fields
Education abroad
Professional and educational courses and diplomas
 Feasibility studies, establishment, structuring, and management of educational institutions and General companies –

From 2012 To 2015
Business team

The Foundation started in 2012 as an individual company registered under No 7752 to serve individuals and qualify human cadres in various fields of training

Business Administration – Legal Studies – Medical and Nursing Studies – Engineering Studies – Information Technology Studies

During this period, we trained more than 1,000 trainees and served 38 companies in various sectors until 2015

From 2015 To 2016

In 2015 the Foundation’s activities were expanded and an Egyptian shareholding Foundation was established under the number 7269 and more partners were added with a capital exceeding $1,000,000 or its equivalent in Egyptian pounds

As a result of this expansion, cooperation with International universities began in the field of sending educational missions to study various scientific degrees  in various medical, engineering, and administrative specialties later

Aerial view of a business team

Today, the Foundation is one of the largest official portals for Arab students wishing to

complete their studies in Abroad Universities

From 2016 To 2021

In 2016 we started signing a cooperation protocol with one of the largest Russian universities, Moscow State University so that the Foundation will be the official agent of the university in Egypt and the Middle East countries

In the same year, offers began to come to the International Foundation from various universities to work with us until the volume of cooperation between the Foundation and Russian – Ukraine – Georgian universities reached more than contracts with 70 public universities until 2021

?‍♂️ What we have reached in 2022

: Branches and Agents Today, We have 4 branches in the most important capitals of the Arab Republic of Egypt (Cairo and Alexandria) and we have 27 agents and representatives of the institution in various governorates of Egypt

: Official Representatives Today, we have representatives in the field of training in more than seven Arab countries, including: Saudi Arabia - Kuwait - Qatar - Sudan - UAE - Bahrain - Morocco

: Human Resources Today, we've got more than 100 employees to send more numbers and compensate for the losses that took place in 2020 for Covid-19

We Are Proud That

Honoring the Egyptian Minister of Higher Education Dr. Khalid Abd Al Ghaffar

The largest number of Egyptian students who intend to study abroad annually choose IFSM to help them obtain the certificate of the previous consulate in Egypt and Egyptian embassies abroad

Not to mention that the increase in the number of students during the past years is due to the huge advertising campaigns carried out by the institution every year, in addition to the fact that we had a great honour to host and support the most important Russian officials in the educational field in our various branches, and we had a lot of activities in the Middle East

IFSM Future Aspirations

School girl dreaming big about her future

:Extend Cooperation

The exploitation of training representatives in Arab countries and all Points of agencies to work in the field of education in Russia also Establishing a platform for high school students to display the most important universities contracted with us

:Focusing on Universities

Focusing on the accredited foreign universities in Egypt in accordance with the decision of the Minister of Higher Education regarding the accreditation of Russian universities and allocating the largest possible of students to these universities, to
which it is expected that from 80 to 100 students to each in 2022

:More Propaganda

Increasing media coverage towards Foreign universities and the field of education Abroad also developed an e-marketing Channels system and various activities to attract large numbers of students

:More Activities

Increasing the activities in Egypt and the Arab countries for the universities officially contracted with us and Establishing halls and centers equipped for online study in case of emergency or pandemics such as Covid-19 so that the student does not withdraw from foreign universities, causing great loss to all parties

Business strategy success target goals.

IFSM Facts & Statistics

Public statistics of the number of Egyptian students enrolled in Foreign universities

IFSM S.W.O.T Analysis

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) chart for the International Foundation for Science and Management, why we are the best and Market Overview
Strengths points describe what our organization excels at and what separates it from the competition
Weaknesses points stop an organization from performing at its optimum level which helps us to reach more students to study abroad
Opportunities points refer to favourable external factors that could give our organization a competitive advantage
Threats points refer to factors that have the potential to harm our organization, especially with our cooperation with universities

Weaknesses Points

Delayed issuance of study invitations and letters of acceptance, which leads to the student’s withdrawal and loss

The decision of the Egyptian government and determining the accredited foreign universities in 2021

Lack of professional foreign cadres. We have only 5 Russian employees

Some universities accept working through former students to attract new students without an official contract, which allows some fraud against new students and exposes the reputation of Russian universities to distortion, especially on social networks

Universities working with modern and unsecured companies, which leads to discrediting the Study Abroad

Strengths Points

Best Famous brand with 4 branches, 27 agents in Egypt and Representatives and agents in 7 Arab countries

Call centre with 50 agents work on Special CRM System for universities, students and work coordination

47administrative and legal employees work full time plus 5 part-time mentors abroad for Meet students and finish all the process after arrival

Different Web sites and all social platforms for communication, Marketing & E-learning system

More than 100 contracts with foreign universities

Growth opportunities points

Opening markets for studying Abroad in new countries due to the availability of all infrastructure elements for growth in new markets
Opening markets for studying Abroad in new countries due to the availability of all infrastructure elements for growth in new markets
Opening small registration branches in far provinces to attract more students to study abroad
Opening small registration branches in far provinces to attract more students to study abroad
Providing the opportunity to study diplomas and summer courses in foreign Universities
Providing the opportunity to study diplomas and summer courses in foreign Universities

Threats Points

Continuous government changes and decisions in Abroad and Egypt (Decision of the Universities Council of Higher Education in Egypt )

The occurrence of disasters, wars and pandemics such as Covid-19

Changing the exchange rates from EGP / to Dollar

The field of study abroad is being harmed due to dealing with unreliable parties and individuals and The increase in the number of unreliable competitors companies

The lack of Students’ confidence towards Part of Foreign universities due to the poor quality of housing, the routine of procedures, and the delay in invitations and acceptance and difficulty of some universities in cooperating with us to perform our services after travel

IFSM International Students

Why do students register with the Foundation? and what are the special services we provide to them

International Foundation for Science and Management is trusted because it is an Egyptian shareholding Foundation under the law of investment of 1978 and it is an authorized agent for foreign public universities in Egypt and the Middle East through official contracts


Legal Contract

We guarantee to our students and partner universities all rights and privileges

One of the main reasons for the students to join the foundation is the presence of a legal contract between the student

The foundation, and the university that guarantees the student’s rights and the foundation’s obligations, it includes

Financial policies and can be translated and certified by the foreign Embassy in Egypt and the Egyptian Foreign Affairs

IFSM Provides Support Employees in Egypt and Abroad Which

 Helps Our Students To

Helping students and providing them with a hotline to communicate with us through it and to intervene to rescue if any problems should take place, God forbid, which grants psychological stability of the student and success, God willing

Helping the student to devote his attention and his mind to study without distraction, enjoying his life Abroad – building bridges between the students, their parents, and the university

Helping students and providing them with a CRM account to communicate with us through it and answer to them if any requests must take a ticket, which guarantees also to know the registration process or documents arrived like acceptance letter or invitation

Helping the university to welcome the student and deliver him to his residence and provide all the necessary needs to be reassured and the knowledge of informing his family

: IFSM provides educational

consultants to help

Choosing the appropriate university, specialization, and city according to the needs of the student and the parents

Finishing all legal procedures with the official authorities, whether in Egypt or Abroad

Finishing all study visa procedures in Egypt with help conducting any interviews at the embassy or others so the student can get his visa on his passport in addition to the university’s acceptance letter effortlessly

Customs and traditions of foreign people and the most important laws by foreign lecturers and Egyptian Specialists in language and foreign university education

A graduation ceremony will be held in the presence of an elite of the educational community in Egypt, and university representatives are invited, in addition to media coverage by one of the largest television channels, and the presence of parents to congratulate their students, in addition, to honour the outstanding students and guests of honour

Multiple languages according to the country of study Preparation of an intensive foreign language program IELTS- TOEFL А1 At the same time the IFSM holds introductory seminars for students and parents through student affairs in Russian universities and professors specializing in education about the best cities to live and public and private introductory seminars for parents on how to deal with their children who studying abroad

Human development program for qualification to live in Abroad and transcend the difference of social cultures

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